Melatonin supplementation may help offset DNA damage linked to night shift work Melatonin supplementation may help offset DNA damage linked to night shift work2025-02-25T17:41:41+00:0025 February 2025|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Medical treatment|
Follow Australia’s lead and ban artificial stone, researchers urge European governments Follow Australia’s lead and ban artificial stone, researchers urge European governments2024-08-07T14:40:27+00:007 August 2024|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Job insecurity in early adulthood linked to heightened risk of serious alcohol-related illness in later life Job insecurity in early adulthood linked to heightened risk of serious alcohol-related illness in later life2024-06-04T10:23:46+00:0010 April 2024|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Public health|
J-shaped curve apparent between dietary thiamine and worsening mental acuity J-shaped curve apparent between dietary thiamine and worsening mental acuity2024-06-04T10:24:16+00:0021 February 2024|General Psychiatry, Press release|Mental health|
Minority ethnic NHS staff more likely to face workplace discrimination during pandemic than White colleagues Minority ethnic NHS staff more likely to face workplace discrimination during pandemic than White colleagues2024-06-04T10:24:45+00:0021 February 2024|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Healthcare systems|
Same-level workplace falls set to rise amid surge in older female workforce numbers Same-level workplace falls set to rise amid surge in older female workforce numbers2024-06-04T10:23:57+00:0017 January 2024|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
3 potentially unique acoustic features of healing music that transcend genre identified 3 potentially unique acoustic features of healing music that transcend genre identified2024-06-04T10:24:20+00:0020 December 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Mental health|
Twice daily electrical stimulation may boost mental processes in Alzheimer’s disease Twice daily electrical stimulation may boost mental processes in Alzheimer’s disease2024-06-04T10:23:23+00:006 December 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Public health|
Shorter white blood cell telomeres linked to higher dementia risk Shorter white blood cell telomeres linked to higher dementia risk2024-06-04T10:23:28+00:0012 September 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Public health|
Hairdressers, beauticians may be at heightened risk of ovarian cancer Hairdressers, beauticians may be at heightened risk of ovarian cancer2024-06-04T10:23:34+00:0011 July 2023|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Oncology|
Age of those with gender dysphoria is falling Age of those with gender dysphoria is falling2024-06-04T10:25:45+00:0027 June 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Child and adolescent health|
Satisfying mid-life relationships linked to lower multiple chronic disease risk Satisfying mid-life relationships linked to lower multiple chronic disease risk2024-06-04T10:23:10+00:0022 February 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Women's health|
Frequent visits to green space linked to lower use of certain prescription meds Frequent visits to green space linked to lower use of certain prescription meds2024-06-04T10:24:39+00:0017 January 2023|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Medical treatment|
Deep meditation may alter gut microbes for better health Deep meditation may alter gut microbes for better health2024-06-04T10:24:15+00:0017 January 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Physical health|
Anxiety might be alleviated by regulating gut bacteria Anxiety might be alleviated by regulating gut bacteria2019-05-21T08:58:48+00:0021 May 2019|General Psychiatry, Press release|Mental health|