J-shaped curve apparent between dietary thiamine and worsening mental acuity
Sweet spot seems to be 0.68 mg/day among healthy older people to ward off decline Optimal maintenance dose seems to be 0.6 to less than ...
Sweet spot seems to be 0.68 mg/day among healthy older people to ward off decline Optimal maintenance dose seems to be 0.6 to less than ...
Findings might help personalise music therapy and evaluate effectiveness of existing ones There are three potentially unique acoustic features of healing music that transcend musical ...
Non-invasive technology (tDCS) may fire up brain’s plasticity, enabling new neural networks Twice daily non-invasive electrical stimulation of the brain may boost mental processes (cognitive ...
Associated with smaller total and white matter brain volume; may be predictor of brain health Shorter telomeres on the ends of white blood cell chromosomes ...
And it’s lower for those assigned female sex at birth than those assigned male The age of those who are distressed because of a mismatch ...
Satisfying mid-life relationships linked to lower multiple chronic disease risk in older age Findings only partially explained by income, education, and health behaviours Satisfying relationships ...
Gut microbes found in Buddhist monks linked to lower risks of anxiety, depression, heart disease in other studies Regular deep meditation, practised for several years, ...
Review of studies suggests a potentially useful link between gut bacteria and mental disorders People who experience anxiety symptoms might be helped by taking steps ...