Think about banning kitchen worktop favourite to ward off incurable lung disease, urge doctors Think about banning kitchen worktop favourite to ward off incurable lung disease, urge doctors2024-08-07T14:38:48+00:007 August 2024|Press release, Thorax|Physical health|
Resistance exercise ‘activity breaks’ at night may improve sleep length Resistance exercise ‘activity breaks’ at night may improve sleep length2024-07-17T15:15:02+00:0017 July 2024|BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Heavy resistance training around retirement preserves vital leg strength years later Heavy resistance training around retirement preserves vital leg strength years later2024-06-19T09:44:25+00:0019 June 2024|BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, Press release|Physical health, Sport & Exercise|
Inflight alcohol + cabin pressure may threaten sleeping passengers’ heart health Inflight alcohol + cabin pressure may threaten sleeping passengers’ heart health2024-06-05T08:41:06+00:005 June 2024|Press release, Thorax|Public health|
Likelihood of kids and young people smoking and vaping linked to social media use Likelihood of kids and young people smoking and vaping linked to social media use2024-06-04T12:17:50+00:0020 May 2024|Press release, Thorax|Child and adolescent health|
Poorly controlled asthma emits same quantity of greenhouse gas as 124,000 homes each year in the UK Poorly controlled asthma emits same quantity of greenhouse gas as 124,000 homes each year in the UK2024-06-04T10:25:24+00:0028 February 2024|Press release, Thorax|Climate, Public health|
Age when periods first start and early menopause linked to heightened COPD risk Age when periods first start and early menopause linked to heightened COPD risk2024-06-04T10:25:30+00:0014 February 2024|Press release, Thorax|Child and adolescent health|
HIIT in water improves exercise capacity in adults with health conditions HIIT in water improves exercise capacity in adults with health conditions2024-06-04T10:23:59+00:0015 November 2023|BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Virtual/augmented reality playkit eases kids’ and parents’ anxieties ahead of MRI scan Virtual/augmented reality playkit eases kids’ and parents’ anxieties ahead of MRI scan2024-06-04T10:25:42+00:0010 November 2023|BMJ Innovations, Press release|Child and adolescent health|
ChatGPT may be better than doctors at evidence-based management of clinical depression ChatGPT may be better than doctors at evidence-based management of clinical depression2024-06-04T10:24:30+00:0017 October 2023|Family Medicine and Community Health, Press release|Medical treatment|
Young vapers at risk of bronchitis + shortness of breath Young vapers at risk of bronchitis + shortness of breath2024-06-04T10:25:42+00:0017 August 2023|Press release, Thorax|Child and adolescent health|
Patient aggression towards doctors’ receptionists “serious safety concern” Patient aggression towards doctors’ receptionists “serious safety concern”2024-06-04T10:25:07+00:0011 July 2023|Family Medicine and Community Health, Press release|Healthcare systems|
Aggression towards doctors’ receptionists “serious safety concern” Aggression towards doctors’ receptionists “serious safety concern”2024-06-04T10:24:40+00:007 July 2023|Family Medicine and Community Health, Press release|Healthcare systems, Mental health|
Sports medicine must up its game to break cycle of gender bias, urge doctors Sports medicine must up its game to break cycle of gender bias, urge doctors2024-06-04T10:24:08+00:0010 May 2023|BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Playing golf may be just as healthy or better than Nordic walking for older people Playing golf may be just as healthy or better than Nordic walking for older people2024-06-04T10:24:12+00:008 February 2023|BMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine, Press release|Physical health|