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Cost stops 1 in 6 US adults with asthma from taking meds as prescribed, study suggests

Linked to near doubling in asthma attack risk + 60% greater odds of emergency care visits Findings reinforce importance of healthcare policy in promoting equitable access Despite a fall in the number of people with asthma over the past decade who say that cost has stopped them taking their meds ...

2024-12-17T12:28:23+00:0010 December 2024|Press release, Thorax|

Think about banning kitchen worktop favourite to ward off incurable lung disease, urge doctors

Call prompted by treating first 8 cases of artificial stone silicosis reported in UK It may now be time to ban artificial stone—a firm favourite for kitchen worktops in the UK— to ward off the incurable lung disease caused by its manufacturing and fitting, say a team of doctors in ...

2024-08-07T14:38:48+00:007 August 2024|Press release, Thorax|

Inflight alcohol + cabin pressure may threaten sleeping passengers’ heart health

Combo lowers blood oxygen and raises heart rate, even in young and healthy May be time to consider restricting access to alcohol on long haul flights, say researchers The combination of alcohol plus cabin pressure at cruising altitude may threaten sleeping plane passengers’ heart health, particularly on long haul flights, ...

2024-06-05T08:41:06+00:005 June 2024|Press release, Thorax|

Likelihood of kids and young people smoking and vaping linked to social media use

7+ daily hours associated with more than doubling in risk among 10 to 25 year olds Findings reinforce concerns about marketing clout of these platforms, say researchers The more time spent on social media, the greater the likelihood that children and young people will both smoke and/or vape, suggests research ...

2024-06-04T12:17:50+00:0020 May 2024|Press release, Thorax|

Poorly controlled asthma emits same quantity of greenhouse gas as 124,000 homes each year in the UK

Improving care of asthma patients could help NHS meet its net zero target, say researchers Patients whose asthma is poorly controlled have eight times excess greenhouse gas emissions compared with those whose condition is well controlled—equivalent to that produced by 124,000 homes each year in the UK—indicates the first study ...

2024-06-04T10:25:24+00:0028 February 2024|Press release, Thorax|

Age when periods first start and early menopause linked to heightened COPD risk

Miscarriage, stillbirth, infertility, and having 3 or more children additional risk factors A range of reproductive factors, including age when periods first start and an early menopause, are all linked to a heightened risk of COPD—the umbrella term for progressive lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties—finds research published online in ...

2024-06-04T10:25:30+00:0014 February 2024|Press release, Thorax|

Young vapers at risk of bronchitis + shortness of breath

Respiratory effects of vapes should be included in regulation, say researchers Young vapers are at risk of bronchitic symptoms and shortness of breath, even if they, or others around them, smoke cigarettes or cannabis, suggests research published online in the journal Thorax. The findings prompt the US researchers to call for the ...

2024-06-04T10:25:42+00:0017 August 2023|Press release, Thorax|
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