Only around 1 in 10 common non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for back pain effective Only around 1 in 10 common non-surgical and non-invasive treatments for back pain effective2025-03-19T17:12:59+00:0019 March 2025|BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, Press release|Medical treatment|
Specific long term condition combinations have major role in NHS ‘winter pressures’ Specific long term condition combinations have major role in NHS ‘winter pressures’2025-01-22T11:43:25+00:0013 November 2024|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Healthcare systems|
Regular fish oil supplement use might boost first time heart disease and stroke risk Regular fish oil supplement use might boost first time heart disease and stroke risk2024-06-04T10:27:17+00:0022 May 2024|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Healthy lifestyle may offset effects of life-shortening genes by 60%+ Healthy lifestyle may offset effects of life-shortening genes by 60%+2024-06-04T10:23:48+00:0030 April 2024|BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
State abortion access key factor in future US doctors’ training (residency) choices State abortion access key factor in future US doctors’ training (residency) choices2024-06-04T10:24:56+00:006 December 2023|Journal of Medical Ethics, Press release|Healthcare systems|
Five-fold rise in UK rates of transgender identity since 2000, medical records suggest Five-fold rise in UK rates of transgender identity since 2000, medical records suggest2024-06-04T10:23:24+00:0029 November 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Public health|
Three-fold rise in babies born at 22 weeks given respiratory life support in England and Wales after guidelines change Three-fold rise in babies born at 22 weeks given respiratory life support in England and Wales after guidelines change2024-06-04T10:23:04+00:0010 November 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Women's health|
Flawed body of research indicates true ‘long covid’ risk likely exaggerated Flawed body of research indicates true ‘long covid’ risk likely exaggerated2024-06-04T10:23:28+00:0026 September 2023|BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, Press release|Public health|
Turmeric may be as good for treating indigestion as drug to curb excess stomach acid Turmeric may be as good for treating indigestion as drug to curb excess stomach acid2024-06-04T10:24:03+00:0012 September 2023|BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Higher levels of lean muscle might protect against Alzheimer’s disease Higher levels of lean muscle might protect against Alzheimer’s disease2024-06-04T10:23:34+00:004 July 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Public health|
Ethnic, religious, social differences in case rates between covid-19 waves Ethnic, religious, social differences in case rates between covid-19 waves2024-06-04T10:23:38+00:004 April 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Public health|
Little evidence that IVF conception heightens future pregnancy risks Little evidence that IVF conception heightens future pregnancy risks2024-06-04T10:25:48+00:0021 March 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Child and adolescent health|
High blood caffeine level might curb body fat and type 2 diabetes risk High blood caffeine level might curb body fat and type 2 diabetes risk2024-06-04T10:24:11+00:0015 March 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Covid-19 jab may lessen severity and duration of ‘long covid’ Covid-19 jab may lessen severity and duration of ‘long covid’2024-06-04T10:23:42+00:001 March 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Public health|
Fewer known risk factors, but heightened risk of cardiovascular disease in people with coeliac disease Fewer known risk factors, but heightened risk of cardiovascular disease in people with coeliac disease2024-06-04T10:24:12+00:0031 January 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Swallowing alcohol-based hand sanitiser can kill, warns analysis of coroners’ reports Swallowing alcohol-based hand sanitiser can kill, warns analysis of coroners’ reports2020-12-02T09:55:23+00:002 December 2020|BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, Press release|Public health|
No safe level of caffeine consumption for pregnant women and would-be mothers No safe level of caffeine consumption for pregnant women and would-be mothers2020-08-25T09:04:16+00:0025 August 2020|BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Doubt cast on wisdom of targeting ‘bad’ cholesterol to curb heart disease risk Doubt cast on wisdom of targeting ‘bad’ cholesterol to curb heart disease risk2020-08-04T08:24:41+00:004 August 2020|BMJ Evidence Based Medicine, Press release|Physical health|