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Specific long term condition combinations have major role in NHS ‘winter pressures’

Cardiovascular disease, cancer, kidney disease, diabetes quartet linked to 11-fold higher hospital admission risk Kidney disease + cardiovascular disease + dementia + osteoarthritis linked to 24-fold higher death risk Specific combinations of long term conditions have a major role in the additional pressures the NHS faces every winter, because they ...

2024-11-13T10:38:18+00:0013 November 2024|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

Regular fish oil supplement use might boost first time heart disease and stroke risk

But may slow progression of existing poor cardiovascular health and lessen risk of death Regular use of fish oil supplements might increase, rather than lessen, the risk of first time heart disease and stroke among those in good cardiovascular health, but may slow progression of existing poor cardiovascular health and ...

2024-06-04T10:27:17+00:0022 May 2024|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

Five-fold rise in UK rates of transgender identity since 2000, medical records suggest

Evident in all age groups in general practice, but highest rise among 16-29 year olds Recorded transgender identify more common in areas of social and economic deprivation UK rates of transgender identity have risen 5-fold since 2000, with the highest rise observed among 16 to 29 year olds, although the ...

2024-06-04T10:23:24+00:0029 November 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

Three-fold rise in babies born at 22 weeks given respiratory life support in England and Wales after guidelines change

Rise in proportion surviving to discharge, but overall survival remains low And there are major implications for additional resource needs, say researchers The number of very premature babies (22 weeks) given respiratory life support  (survival focused care) and/or admitted to neonatal units in England and Wales has increased 3-fold, following ...

2024-06-04T10:23:04+00:0010 November 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

Higher levels of lean muscle might protect against Alzheimer’s disease

But further study needed to tease out the possible biological pathways,say study authors High levels of lean muscle might protect against Alzheimer’s disease, suggests a large study published in the open access journal BMJ Medicine. But further research is needed to tease out the underlying biological pathways, along with the clinical and ...

2024-06-04T10:23:34+00:004 July 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

Ethnic, religious, social differences in case rates between covid-19 waves

Risk highest for Bangladeshis, Pakistanis, Muslims, Sikhs, and disadvantaged in wave 2 Highest for White British, Christians, the healthy, and relatively well off in wave 3 There were major ethnic, religious, and social differences in the risk of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19 infection, between the ...

2024-06-04T10:23:38+00:004 April 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

Little evidence that IVF conception heightens future pregnancy risks

Social factors may explain fewer pregnancies than among naturally conceived peers There’s little evidence to suggest that children conceived as a result of fertility treatment are at any greater risk of pregnancy complications or worse birth outcomes than their naturally conceived peers, finds a long term study, published in the ...

2024-06-04T10:25:48+00:0021 March 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

High blood caffeine level might curb body fat and type 2 diabetes risk

Exploration of potential role of calorie free caffeinated drinks may now be warranted, say researchers A high blood caffeine level might curb the amount of body fat a person carries and their risk of type 2 diabetes, suggests research published in the open access journal BMJ Medicine. In light of their findings, the ...

2024-06-04T10:24:11+00:0015 March 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

Covid-19 jab may lessen severity and duration of ‘long covid’

And it may curb condition’s impact on their social, professional, and family lives  Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19, may lessen the severity and duration of ‘long COVID’ in those with persistent symptoms after infection, suggests a study that closely imitates a randomised clinical trial, and published in ...

2024-06-04T10:23:42+00:001 March 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|

Fewer known risk factors, but heightened risk of cardiovascular disease in people with coeliac disease

Further research needed to unearth drivers, including role of gluten free diet, say authors People with coeliac disease might have fewer known risk factors for cardiovascular disease, but still have a heightened risk of developing it, finds a study led by researchers from Oxford Population Health, published online in the ...

2024-06-04T10:24:12+00:0031 January 2023|BMJ Medicine, Press release|
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