Melatonin supplementation may help offset DNA damage linked to night shift work Melatonin supplementation may help offset DNA damage linked to night shift work2025-02-25T17:41:41+00:0025 February 2025|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Medical treatment|
Fifth of GPs using AI despite lack of guidance or clear work policies, UK survey suggests Fifth of GPs using AI despite lack of guidance or clear work policies, UK survey suggests2024-09-18T11:27:34+00:0018 September 2024|BMJ Health & Care Informatics, Press release|Healthcare systems|
The impact of patient advocacy on peer review The impact of patient advocacy on peer review2024-08-13T18:08:10+00:009 August 2024|BMJ Health & Care Informatics, Corporate announcement|
Follow Australia’s lead and ban artificial stone, researchers urge European governments Follow Australia’s lead and ban artificial stone, researchers urge European governments2024-08-07T14:40:27+00:007 August 2024|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Facial thermal imaging + AI accurately predict presence of coronary artery disease Facial thermal imaging + AI accurately predict presence of coronary artery disease2024-06-17T07:33:30+00:005 June 2024|BMJ Health & Care Informatics, Press release|Healthcare systems|
Job insecurity in early adulthood linked to heightened risk of serious alcohol-related illness in later life Job insecurity in early adulthood linked to heightened risk of serious alcohol-related illness in later life2024-06-04T10:23:46+00:0010 April 2024|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Public health|
Minority ethnic NHS staff more likely to face workplace discrimination during pandemic than White colleagues Minority ethnic NHS staff more likely to face workplace discrimination during pandemic than White colleagues2024-06-04T10:24:45+00:0021 February 2024|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Healthcare systems|
Same-level workplace falls set to rise amid surge in older female workforce numbers Same-level workplace falls set to rise amid surge in older female workforce numbers2024-06-04T10:23:57+00:0017 January 2024|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Physical health|
Virtual/augmented reality playkit eases kids’ and parents’ anxieties ahead of MRI scan Virtual/augmented reality playkit eases kids’ and parents’ anxieties ahead of MRI scan2024-06-04T10:25:42+00:0010 November 2023|BMJ Innovations, Press release|Child and adolescent health|
Hairdressers, beauticians may be at heightened risk of ovarian cancer Hairdressers, beauticians may be at heightened risk of ovarian cancer2024-06-04T10:23:34+00:0011 July 2023|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Oncology|
Celebrity tweets likely shaped US negative public opinion of covid-19 pandemic Celebrity tweets likely shaped US negative public opinion of covid-19 pandemic2024-07-26T15:17:35+00:0022 February 2023|BMJ Health & Care Informatics, Press release|Public health|
Frequent visits to green space linked to lower use of certain prescription meds Frequent visits to green space linked to lower use of certain prescription meds2024-06-04T10:24:39+00:0017 January 2023|Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Press release|Medical treatment|
Housework linked to sharper memory and better falls protection in older adults Housework linked to sharper memory and better falls protection in older adults2025-01-02T11:41:29+00:0022 November 2021|BMJ Health & Care Informatics, BMJ Open, Press release|