Some teen girls clocking up close to 6 smartphone hours/day, Finnish study finds
Proportion may be ‘addicted’ to social media and have poorer mental health and wellbeing Some teenage girls are clocking up close to 6 hours a ...
Proportion may be ‘addicted’ to social media and have poorer mental health and wellbeing Some teenage girls are clocking up close to 6 hours a ...
7+ daily hours associated with more than doubling in risk among 10 to 25 year olds Findings reinforce concerns about marketing clout of these platforms, ...
Potentially harmful to brain and organ development, suggest researchers Findings underscore need for implementation of regulations and targeted prevention Frequent teen vaping might boost the ...
Children living at 2000+ m above sea level 40% more at risk than those living 1000m below Children in rural areas seem to be the ...
Industry tied programmes provide information to schoolchildren as young as 9 Initiatives normalise drinking and downplay the long term health risks of alcohol, argue experts ...
Results suggest October is the best time for young children to have annual flu shot Children born in October are both more likely to be ...
Miscarriage, stillbirth, infertility, and having 3 or more children additional risk factors A range of reproductive factors, including age when periods first start and an ...
Diet rich in fish and veg, low in sugar-sweetened drinks at age of 1 may be key to protection May be time for doctors to ...
Higher risks faced by these children and their families should not be underestimated, say researchers Children born moderately (32-33 weeks) or late preterm (34-36 weeks) ...
Prevalence has risen from just under 30% in 1995 to 38% in 2019 amid widening inequalities The fastest and highest growth in the prevalence of ...