Frequent teen vaping might boost risk of toxic lead and uranium exposure Frequent teen vaping might boost risk of toxic lead and uranium exposure2024-06-04T10:25:32+00:0030 April 2024|Press release, Tobacco Control|Child and adolescent health|
Sex-specific panel of 10 proteins can pick up 18 different early stage cancers Sex-specific panel of 10 proteins can pick up 18 different early stage cancers2024-06-04T10:23:22+00:0010 January 2024|BMJ Oncology, Press release|Oncology|
Tobacco related annual medical spend of US Minorities who smoke double that of White peers Tobacco related annual medical spend of US Minorities who smoke double that of White peers2024-06-04T10:24:55+00:006 December 2023|Press release, Tobacco Control|Healthcare systems|
Plastic pollution from cigarette butts likely costs US$26 billion/year Plastic pollution from cigarette butts likely costs US$26 billion/year2024-06-04T10:25:26+00:0029 November 2023|Press release, Tobacco Control|Climate|
Virtual/augmented reality playkit eases kids’ and parents’ anxieties ahead of MRI scan Virtual/augmented reality playkit eases kids’ and parents’ anxieties ahead of MRI scan2024-06-04T10:25:42+00:0010 November 2023|BMJ Innovations, Press release|Child and adolescent health|
Global surge in cancers among the under 50s over past three decades Global surge in cancers among the under 50s over past three decades2024-06-04T10:23:29+00:007 September 2023|BMJ Oncology, Press release|Oncology|
Tripling in proportion of smokers’ discounted overseas tobacco purchases since 2019 in England Tripling in proportion of smokers’ discounted overseas tobacco purchases since 2019 in England2024-06-04T10:23:33+00:0019 July 2023|Press release, Tobacco Control|Public health|
Vaping in early teens linked to persistent and heavier smoking Vaping in early teens linked to persistent and heavier smoking2024-06-04T10:25:48+00:0019 April 2023|Press release, Tobacco Control|Child and adolescent health|