Common gynaecological disorders linked to raised heart and vascular disease risk Common gynaecological disorders linked to raised heart and vascular disease risk2025-02-25T17:44:41+00:0025 February 2025|Heart, Press release|Women's health|
Position menstrual cups carefully to avoid possible kidney problems, doctors urge Position menstrual cups carefully to avoid possible kidney problems, doctors urge2025-02-11T09:51:15+00:0011 February 2025|BMJ Case Reports, Press release|Women's health|
Vascular ‘fingerprint’ at the back of the eye can accurately predict stroke risk Vascular ‘fingerprint’ at the back of the eye can accurately predict stroke risk2025-01-14T14:42:57+00:0014 January 2025|Heart, Press release|Medical treatment|
Basking too long in a sauna without adequate hydration may risk heat stroke, doctors warn Basking too long in a sauna without adequate hydration may risk heat stroke, doctors warn2025-01-08T15:34:34+00:008 January 2025|BMJ Case Reports, Press release|Physical health|
Tightly tied waist cord of saree underskirt may pose cancer risk, warn doctors Tightly tied waist cord of saree underskirt may pose cancer risk, warn doctors2024-11-06T12:19:53+00:006 November 2024|BMJ Case Reports, Press release|Public health|
Scurvy may be re-emerging amid cost of living crisis and rise of weight loss surgery Scurvy may be re-emerging amid cost of living crisis and rise of weight loss surgery2024-10-23T09:17:25+00:0023 October 2024|BMJ Case Reports, Press release|Physical health|
Lifetime sudden cardiac death risk 4+ times higher for those with schizophrenia Lifetime sudden cardiac death risk 4+ times higher for those with schizophrenia2024-10-23T09:14:59+00:0023 October 2024|Heart, Press release|Physical health|
Breakdancers may risk ‘headspin hole’ caused by repetitive headspins, doctors warn Breakdancers may risk ‘headspin hole’ caused by repetitive headspins, doctors warn2024-10-11T08:34:28+00:0011 October 2024|BMJ Case Reports, Press release|Physical health|
Women still missing out on treatment for their No 1 killer—cardiovascular disease Women still missing out on treatment for their No 1 killer—cardiovascular disease2024-09-25T12:11:21+00:0025 September 2024|Heart, Press release|Women's health|
Statins cost effective and linked to better health outcomes in older people Statins cost effective and linked to better health outcomes in older people2024-09-11T09:59:44+00:0011 September 2024|Heart, Press release|Medical treatment|
Women, Black people, and disadvantaged less likely to get heart surgery in England Women, Black people, and disadvantaged less likely to get heart surgery in England2024-09-05T10:50:11+00:004 September 2024|Heart, Press release|Medical treatment|
Fentanyl inhalation may cause potentially irreversible brain damage, warn doctors Fentanyl inhalation may cause potentially irreversible brain damage, warn doctors2024-06-04T10:23:48+00:0030 April 2024|BMJ Case Reports, Press release|Physical health|
Covid jab linked to lower risk of covid-19-related clot and heart complications Covid jab linked to lower risk of covid-19-related clot and heart complications2024-06-04T10:24:25+00:0018 March 2024|Heart, Press release|Medical treatment|
J-shaped curve apparent between dietary thiamine and worsening mental acuity J-shaped curve apparent between dietary thiamine and worsening mental acuity2024-06-04T10:24:16+00:0021 February 2024|General Psychiatry, Press release|Mental health|
3 potentially unique acoustic features of healing music that transcend genre identified 3 potentially unique acoustic features of healing music that transcend genre identified2024-06-04T10:24:20+00:0020 December 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Mental health|
Twice daily electrical stimulation may boost mental processes in Alzheimer’s disease Twice daily electrical stimulation may boost mental processes in Alzheimer’s disease2024-06-04T10:23:23+00:006 December 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Public health|
Virtual/augmented reality playkit eases kids’ and parents’ anxieties ahead of MRI scan Virtual/augmented reality playkit eases kids’ and parents’ anxieties ahead of MRI scan2024-06-04T10:25:42+00:0010 November 2023|BMJ Innovations, Press release|Child and adolescent health|
Shorter white blood cell telomeres linked to higher dementia risk Shorter white blood cell telomeres linked to higher dementia risk2024-06-04T10:23:28+00:0012 September 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Public health|
Recreational drugs found in more than 1 in 10 cardiac intensive care patients Recreational drugs found in more than 1 in 10 cardiac intensive care patients2024-06-04T10:24:06+00:0017 August 2023|Heart, Press release|Physical health|
High level of heart attack protein linked to heightened risk of death High level of heart attack protein linked to heightened risk of death2024-06-04T10:23:32+00:008 August 2023|Heart, Press release|Public health|
Age of those with gender dysphoria is falling Age of those with gender dysphoria is falling2024-06-04T10:25:45+00:0027 June 2023|General Psychiatry, Press release|Child and adolescent health|