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20 minutes of mindful breathing can rapidly reduce intensity of cancer pain

It complements traditional pain relief and broadens repertoire of options, say researchers Twenty minutes of mindful breathing, which focuses a person’s attention on their breath, can rapidly reduce the intensity and unpleasantness of cancer pain and relieve the associated anxiety, suggest the findings of a small comparative study, published online ...

Immersive virtual reality seems to ease cancer patients’ pain and distress

May have potential for other long term conditions, findings suggest Immersive virtual reality—digital technology that allows a person to experience being physically present in a non-physical world—seems to ease the pain and distress felt by patients with cancer, suggests a pooled data analysis of the available evidence published in BMJ Supportive ...

Critical data gaps on doctor assisted deaths in Oregon amid rise in participants

Clinical information often missing; key information on decision-making not even collected There are critical gaps in the data provided on doctor assisted deaths in Oregon, USA, amid rising numbers of participants, finds a review of the process over the past 25 years, published online in the journal BMJ Supportive & Palliative ...

Peppermint oil aromatherapy may ease pain severity after heart surgery

And it may enhance  sleep quality too, suggest results of a small clinical trial The use of essential peppermint oil aromatherapy may ease pain severity after open heart surgery and enhance sleep quality as well, suggest the results of a small comparative clinical trial, published online in the journal BMJ Supportive ...

“Significant unmet needs” common among dying in UK hospitals

Experienced by nearly all (93%) of those assessed in first of its kind UK-wide evaluation Deficit more likely in district general hospitals than teaching hospitals and cancer centres People dying in UK hospitals without specialist palliative care input frequently have “significant and poorly identified unmet needs,” finds a UK-wide evaluation—the ...

New ruling on care of dying will force “machine-related suffering” on some

Progressive step, but ruling still has important shortcomings + missed opportunities, say specialists The newly revised ruling on advance medical directives and withholding/withdrawing medical support for the dying in India will inevitably force some terminally ill patients to “live a life of machine-related suffering” and deprive them of their autonomy ...

Medicinal cannabis can safely relieve cancer pain and curb total meds use

Products with equal balance of THC+ CBD seem to be particularly effective, data indicate Medicinal cannabis can safely relieve cancer pain, while curbing the total number of meds and opioids taken, suggest the results of a multicentre registry study, published online in BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. Products with an equal ...

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