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Our panel of editors are available for interview
Professor Gisli Jenkins
Chair of the Editorial Board for BMJ Open Respiratory Research
Professor Gisli Jenkins is an NIHR Research Professor and holds the Margaret Turner-Warwick Chair of Thoracic Medicine at Imperial College London, Head of the Margaret Turner-Warwick Centre for Fibrosing Lung Diseases at the National Heart and Lung Institute. Prof Jenkins’ research focuses on Interstitial Lung Diseases, and Pulmonary Fibrosis in particular. He is the Principal Investigator of a number of longitudinal observational studies including the PROFILE study, the INJUSTIS Study, the UKILD Post COVID ILD study as well as the DEMISTIFI Multi-Morbidity consortium.
Theodora Bloom
Executive Editor of the BMJ
Theodora Bloom is executive editor of The BMJ. At the BMJ, Theo’s responsibilities include publishing, business, platform and operations as well as ethical and policy matters. She is a Co-Founder of the medRxiv preprint server, a collaboration between BMJ, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and Yale University, and jointly coordinates open access and open research initiatives at BMJ.
Dr Andrea Cipriani
Editor-in-Chief of Evidence-Based Mental Health
Andrea Cipriani, MD, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry and NIHR Research Professor at the University of Oxford. He is an honorary consultant psychiatrist at the Associate Director for Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust in Oxford. His main research interests are evidence-based mental health and precision psychiatry. His research focuses on the evaluation of pharmacological, psychological and psychosocial interventions.
Professor Juan Víctor Ariel Franco
Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Professor Juan Franco is a family doctor at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Vice-chair of the Research Department at the Instituto Universitario Hispital Italiano (IUHI), where he is also Director of the Cochrane Associate Centre. He is a professor at IUHI and Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, and editor for the Cochrane Urology Group and a member of Cochrane’s Governing Board.
Dr Nick Brown
Editor-in-Chief of Archives of Disease in Childhood
Dr Nick Brown is a paediatrician and epidemiologist. His initial training was in the UK in general paediatrics, but for the last 25 years, he has had a parallel carer in academic international child health. Nick has lived and worked in Sudan, Afghanistan, Papua New Guinea, India and Pakistan, largely as an epidemiologist. He has a long affiliation with the Aga Khan University in Karachi where he teaches epidemiology, biostatistics and research methodology and is involved in studies in child pneumonia, rheumatic heart disease, thalassaemia and early child development. Nick is currently based in Sweden with a clinical position in Gavle and academic affiliation with the International Centre for Maternal and Child Health at Uppsala University.
Karen L Furie, MD
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Karen Furie, MD, MPH is Neurologist-in-Chief, Rhode Island Hospital, the Miriam Hospital and Bradley Hospital Samuel I Kennison, MD and Bertha S Kennison Professor of Clinical Neuroscience Chair of Neurology, the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Clinical and translational stroke research has been a major focus of Karen’s career, and she has enjoyed success in developing collaborative multispecialty initiatives.