Around 1 in 5 of the world’s under 50s living with genital herpes (HSV)
And 200 million +15-49 year olds probably had at least one symptomatic outbreak in 2020 Urgent need for vaccines to curb HSV spread and its ...
And 200 million +15-49 year olds probably had at least one symptomatic outbreak in 2020 Urgent need for vaccines to curb HSV spread and its ...
Amid significant yearly increases in prevalence of fungal infections caused by Candida sp Doctors now advised to treat on signs + symptoms rather than on ...
Fewer unplanned pregnancies and abortions but more sexual dissatisfaction and distress The lower prevalence of ‘risky’ sex—with multiple or new partners without using condoms—which occurred ...
Chloramphenicol cleared up Mycoplasma genitalium urethritis in one patient An oral antibiotic tablet used to treat common eye infections may prove an effective medicine for ...
Women more likely to do so than straight or bisexual men; using increases risk of unprotected sex Nearly one in two swingers uses recreational drugs ...