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Don’t rely on AI chatbots for accurate, safe drug information, patients warned

And complexity of answers might make them hard to understand without college degree Patients shouldn’t rely on AI powered search engines and chatbots to always give them  accurate and safe information on drugs, conclude researchers in the journal BMJ Quality & Safety, after finding a considerable number of answers were wrong or ...

2024-10-11T08:36:11+00:0011 October 2024|BMJ Quality & Safety, Press release|

Harmful diagnostic errors may occur in 1 in every 14 general medical hospital patients

Most preventable, underscoring need for new approaches to surveillance, say researchers Harmful diagnostic errors may be occurring in as many as 1 in every 14 (7%) hospital patients—at least those receiving general medical care—suggest the findings of a single centre study in the US, published online in the journal BMJ Quality ...

2024-10-02T10:40:23+00:002 October 2024|BMJ Quality & Safety, Press release|

Rise in global number of patient harms from 11 million to 18 million (59%) in 30 years

Outpacing 45% increase in world’s population during the same period (1990-2019) Older people worldwide bear the brunt, with steepest rise among 65-69 year olds  The proportion of patient harms associated with medical procedures, treatment, and contact with healthcare systems rose by 59%, from 11 million to 18 million globally between ...

2024-07-31T17:40:28+00:0012 July 2024|BMJ Quality & Safety, Press release|

Rise in global number of patient harms from 11 million to 18 million (59%) in 30 years

Outpacing 45% increase in world’s population during the same period (1990-2019) Older people worldwide bear the brunt, with steepest rise among 65-69 year olds  The proportion of patient harms associated with medical procedures, treatment, and contact with healthcare systems rose by 59%, from 11 million to 18 million globally between ...

2024-06-18T13:47:22+00:0018 June 2024|BMJ Quality & Safety, Press release|

Shared digital NHS prescribing record could avoid nearly 1 million annual drug errors

Avoiding 16,000 patient harms and saving 20+ lives and £millions for services in England Implementing a single shared digital prescribing record across the NHS in England could avoid nearly 1 million drug errors every year, stopping up to 16,000 fewer patients from being harmed, and saving up to 22 lives ...

2024-07-26T15:18:12+00:0027 March 2024|BMJ Quality & Safety, Press release|

Strong evidence of ‘threshold effect’ for NHS 18-week waiting list target

Activity focused on meeting minimum requirement, after which it tails off There’s strong evidence of a ‘threshold effect’ in English hospitals’ efforts to comply with the 18-week referral to treatment standard, concludes a long term data analysis of performance against the target, published online in the journal BMJ Quality & Safety. ...

2024-07-26T15:20:36+00:007 September 2023|BMJ Quality & Safety, Press release|

237+ million medication errors made every year in England

Avoidable consequences cost NHS upwards of £98 million and 1700+ lives every year More than 237 million medication errors are made every year in England, the avoidable consequences of which cost the NHS upwards of £98 million and more than 1700 lives every year, indicate national estimates, published online in ...

2020-06-12T08:25:41+00:0012 June 2020|BMJ Quality & Safety, Press release|
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