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So far envious-dev has created 366 blog entries.

BMJ Group expands its open access offering globally with new partnerships

Multiple open access partnerships in Italy, Turkey, and the Netherlands solidify BMJ’s commitment to global knowledge dissemination June 2024—Leading global healthcare knowledge provider, BMJ, continues to expand its open access (OA) footprint worldwide through new Read and Publish (R&P) agreements. These partnerships signify ongoing efforts to enhance access to cutting-edge ...

2024-06-17T07:34:42+00:0010 June 2024|Corporate announcement, Partnership|

Facial thermal imaging + AI accurately predict presence of coronary artery disease

Non-invasive, real-time approach more effective than conventional methods Testing now required on larger and more diverse numbers of patients, say researchers A combination of facial thermal imaging and artificial intelligence (AI) can accurately predict the presence of coronary artery disease, finds research published in the open access journal BMJ Health ...

High excess death rates in the West for 3 years running since start of pandemic

Despite containment and COVID-19 jabs; “serious cause for concern,” say researchers Excess death rates have remained high in the West for three years running since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, finds a data analysis of 47 countries published in the open access journal BMJ Public Health. This is despite the ...

2024-06-05T08:42:46+00:005 June 2024|BMJ Public Health, Press release|

Inflight alcohol + cabin pressure may threaten sleeping passengers’ heart health

Combo lowers blood oxygen and raises heart rate, even in young and healthy May be time to consider restricting access to alcohol on long haul flights, say researchers The combination of alcohol plus cabin pressure at cruising altitude may threaten sleeping plane passengers’ heart health, particularly on long haul flights, ...

2024-06-05T08:41:06+00:005 June 2024|Press release, Thorax|

Tobacco funded research still appearing in top medical journals

Tobacco firms investing billions in medical products, leading to calls for journals to ban research by companies as well as their subsidiaries BMJ expands restrictions on authors’ links to tobacco industry Tobacco-funded research is still appearing in highly-cited medical journals - despite attempts by some to cut ties altogether, finds ...

2024-05-31T11:12:34+00:0031 May 2024|Press release, The BMJ|

Cass review on gender medicine “largely ignored” in the US

Many US professional bodies stand by their “gender affirming” recommendations Cass does not seem to be penetrating the public consciousness, says expert The newly released Cass Review on transgender care for young people has been pivotal in the UK, where the prescription of puberty “blocking” drugs outside of research protocols ...

2024-06-04T12:17:50+00:0024 May 2024|Press release, The BMJ|

Safety fears for England’s screening services if national oversight is lost

Devolving responsibility to local organisations would be a “retrograde” step, says former screening quality assurance lead  NHS England “cutting corners to save money” warns site inspector  Plans to devolve responsibility for the quality of England’s 11 national screening services could result in significant safety risks, experts tell The BMJ in an exclusive ...

2024-06-04T10:27:19+00:0024 May 2024|Press release, The BMJ|

Epidural linked to reduction in serious complications after childbirth

Expanding access to epidural analgesia could improve maternal health, say researchers Having an epidural during labour is associated with a marked reduction in serious complications in the first few weeks after giving birth, finds a study published by The BMJ today.  Doctors refer to these complications as severe maternal morbidity (SMM), which ...

2024-06-04T10:27:18+00:0024 May 2024|Press release, The BMJ|

Some teen girls clocking up close to 6 smartphone hours/day, Finnish study finds

Proportion may be ‘addicted’ to social media and have poorer mental health and wellbeing Some teenage girls are clocking up close to 6 hours a day on their smartphones, with a significant proportion of them likely addicted to social media, finds research published online in the journal Archives of Disease in ...

Regular fish oil supplement use might boost first time heart disease and stroke risk

But may slow progression of existing poor cardiovascular health and lessen risk of death Regular use of fish oil supplements might increase, rather than lessen, the risk of first time heart disease and stroke among those in good cardiovascular health, but may slow progression of existing poor cardiovascular health and ...

2024-06-04T10:27:17+00:0022 May 2024|BMJ Medicine, Press release|
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