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Unplanned pregnancies among active service women likely curb US military readiness

They result in an estimated 2.5 million to more than 4.5 million active service days lost Highest rates among 18-24 year olds, those of White race, in junior ranks, and in the Army  Unplanned pregnancies among active service women may be curbing overall US military readiness for action and compromising ...

2024-07-26T15:52:26+00:0026 July 2024|BMJ Military Health, Press release|

Junior rank, male sex, younger age strongly linked to ‘harmful gambling’ among UK military

Nearly 1 in 4 say gambling has affected their personal/professional lives over past year Better, earlier, and targeted support needed, urge researchers Several indicative factors, including junior rank, male sex, and younger age, are strongly linked to ‘harmful gambling’ among serving UK military personnel, finds an analysis of survey responses, ...

2024-07-05T09:01:20+00:0028 June 2024|BMJ Military Health, Press release|

Active military service may heighten women’s risk of having low birthweight babies

Findings highlight need for more female-specific research in armed forces, say study authors Active military service may heighten a woman’s risk of having a low birthweight baby, suggests a review of the available scientific evidence published online in the journal BMJ Military Health. The findings highlight the need for more research ...

2024-06-04T10:23:00+00:0023 April 2024|BMJ Military Health, Press release|
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