Text and data mining (TDM) policy and licence

BMJ Group understands the value and importance of allowing researchers worldwide to use text and data mining as part of the research process. We have worked with researchers to facilitate TDM projects and as the use of text and data mining grows we recognise the need for a policy and licence.

Crossref text and data mining service

Through the Crossref Text and Data Mining Service we are extending text and data mining rights to researchers at subscribing institutions worldwide for non commercial research purposes under the terms and conditions below. This service will enable researchers to mine content across a wide range of publishers from a single site.

Terms and conditions of text and data mining

BMJ Group has adapted the STM model licence for Text and Data Mining of subscribed content and copyright-protected works and materials. This licence will be updated when necessary to adapt to the needs of researchers.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Users are free:
  • to download, extract and index the subscribed Content for TDM
  • to store electronic copies of the subscribed Content on their computer or server
  • to mount, load, integrate and analyse the Outputs of TDM on their computer or server
  • to use TDM Outputs as part of research
  • to make the TDM Outputs available on externally facing website
  • they only store electronic copies of the subscribed Content needed for their TDM project and they delete all copies of the Content when the project ends
  • they do not create derivative versions of the subscribed Content. Except to the extent necessary to perform TDM on that Content
  • they do not use the subscribed Content or TDM Outputs in any commercial activity with any commercial partners
  • they do not systematically reproduce the subscribed Content or redistribute it to third parties
  • where they make TDM Outputs available on an externally facing website in response to a Search Query, this Output may contain the title, authors and an abstract of the article and should be accompanied by a DOI link to the original content. An output may also include text from the original article of up to 200 characters, 20 words or 1 sentence
  • they do not create derivative products or services using the subscribed Content or TDM Outputs except for a search service for their institution

With the understanding that:

  • where a User makes TDM Outputs available, original authors are credited and attributions are accompanied by a hyperlink back to the Content on the Publisher’s site
  • the licensee complied with the Publisher’s policies including Content security and technical access requirements
  • where the licensee is in breach of any conditions of this licence, the Publisher has the right to deny access to any of the subscribed Content for TDM purposes
  • any of the above conditions can be waived with the permission of the Publisher
  • the rights and limitations set out in the full Subscription Agreement still apply without exception

UK copyright exception

Text and Data Mining forms part of an exception to UK copyright law that allows ‘computational analysis’ for UK researchers as long as they have legal access to the content for the purpose of non commercial research. This legal exception cannot be overidden by any other agreement. For more details see:

Text and data mining for non-commercial research

Text and data mining is the use of automated analytical techniques to analyse text and data for patterns, trends and other useful information. Text and data mining usually requires copying of the work to be analysed.

An exception to copyright exists which allows researchers to make copies of any copyright material for the purpose of computational analysis if they already have the right to read the work (that is, they have ‘lawful access’ to the work). This exception only permits the making of copies for the purpose of text and data mining for non-commercial research. Researchers will still have to buy subscriptions to access material; this could be from many sources including academic publishers.

Publishers and content providers will be able to apply reasonable measures to maintain their network security or stability but these measures should not prevent or unreasonably restrict researcher’s ability to text and data mine. Contract terms that stop researchers making copies to carry out text and data mining will be unenforceable.

Text and data mining of open access content

The text and data mining rights for open access articles are determined by the Creative Commons licence the article is published under, for more details please see our licensing information.