BMJ Best Practice – Academic
Product description
BMJ Best Practice is a single source of evidence-based answers to critical, real-world clinical questions. The content is uniquely structured around the patient consultation and presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. Faculty and students often refer to it as a one-stop shop for its advice on symptom evaluation, best ordering, treatment options, procedural videos, and more. We encourage all users to download the highly-rated app for trusted decision support information in an instant, whether you are on the ward, at home or studying.
Our unique Comorbidities Manager* provides guidance on the treatment of a patient’s acute condition alongside their preexisting comorbidities.
*[this feature is only available if your institution has purchased the Comorbidities Manager. If you have access it will appear under the ‘Your Profile’ section in the menu at the top of the page]
Click here for more information about how BMJ Best Practice supports medical schools.
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Ad copy and Tweets
- Offline access to over 1,000 conditions, medical calculators, videos, and more. Download the app today. (Access provided by your institution)
- Review the step-by-step approach to assess, diagnose, treat, and prevent common and rare medical conditions #BMJBestPractice #EBMtools
- Practice putting evidence into practice with prewritten case histories
- Watch brief procedural videos. Master all of the steps associated with clinical procedures.
- (End of semester) —> Get yourself ready for exams. Access to procedural videos and over 1000 topics provided by your institution.
- Our library has added @bmjbestpractice to our collection of databases. BMJ Best Practice is an easy-to-use clinical decision support tool that includes a highly-rated app. Download today.
If your institution has access to the Comorbidities Manager:
- Check out this video and see how you can use the BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities Manager. You have access.
- 1 in 3 adults suffers from multimorbidities. Learn to treat the whole patient. You have access. #EBMtool #BMJBestPractice #Comorbidities
- When comorbidities are considered in the acute care setting, you can more effectively manage your patients. You have access to the Comorbidities Manager within @bmjbestpractice.
- Better clinical outcomes, shorter hospital stays, and fewer readmissions #EBMtool #BMJBestPractice #Comorbidities
- Trusted evidence, medical calculators, a built-in comorbidities manager, and brief procedural videos are available; access today! #BMJBestPractice
- Prepare for future practice and ensure you’re ready to treat the whole patient #BMJBestPractice #Comorbidities
BMJ Best Practice – Hospitals & Healthcare Institutions
Product description
BMJ Best Practice is a tool that supports decision-making at the point of care. Uniquely designed to help healthcare professionals follow the clinical workflow. Evidence, guidelines, and expert opinion are combined in a single source and presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis. With online and offline access, guideline summaries, and practice-changing evidence, practitioners rely on it for an instant second opinion. We encourage all users to download the highly-rated app for trusted decision support information in an instant, whether you are on the ward, at home or studying.
Our unique Comorbidities Manager* provides guidance on the treatment of a patient’s acute condition alongside their preexisting comorbidities.
*[this feature is only available if your institution has purchased the Comorbidities Manager. If you have access it will appear under the ‘Your Profile’ section in the menu at the top of the page]
Click here for more information about how BMJ Best Practice supports healthcare institutions.
NOTE: Ads can be hyperlinked to
Ad copy and Tweets
- Don’t miss the latest practice-changing evidence #Importantupdates
- Earn CME credits while searching for answers to your clinical questions. Download the app and start earning them today. #bestpractice #bmj
- Access the latest guidance, check out the topics in your specialty
- Download the BMJ Best Practice app for easy access to a second opinion anytime, anywhere.
- Trusted evidence, medical calculators, and brief procedural videos are available via an offline app. #BMJBestPractice
- Evidence, Medical Calculators, and brief procedural videos are available via our offline app. Download today.
- Our hospital has added @bmjbestpractice to our collection of databases. Best Practice is an easy-to-use clinical decision support tool that includes a highly-rated app. Download today.
If your institution has access to the Comorbidities Manager:
- Check out this video and see how you can use the BMJ Best Practice Comorbidities Manager. You have access.
- 1 in 3 adults suffers from multimorbidities. Learn to treat the whole patient. You have access. #EBMtool #BMJBestPractice #Comorbidities
- When comorbidities are considered in the acute care setting, you can more effectively manage your patients. You have access to the Comorbidities Manager within @bmjbestpractice.
- Better clinical outcomes, shorter hospital stays, and fewer readmissions #EBMtool #BMJBestPractice #Comorbidities
- Trusted evidence, medical calculators, a built-in comorbidities manager, and brief procedural videos are available; access today! #BMJBestPractice
- Ensure you have the confidence to treat the whole patient with BMJ Best Practice #BMJBestPractice #Comorbidities

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