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Our panel of editors are available for interview
Professor Stephen Kaye
Editor-in-Chief BMJ Open Ophthalmology
Professor of Ophthalmology, Institute of Life Course and Medical Sciences, University of Liverpool where he leads the research into infections of the eye, Consultant Ophthalmologist Royal Liverpool University Hospital where he leads the Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease Service, Vice President of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, Director of The Liverpool Research Eye Biobank, NHS England National lead for Corneal Transplantation, Honorary Professorship, Queens University, Belfast.
Shanti Raman
Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Paediatrics Open
Shanti Raman is a Consultant Paediatrician, with sub-specialty training in Community Child Health, epidemiology and public health. She is the Director of Community Paediatrics – South Western
Sydney, where she is responsible for clinical services in Child Development and Child Protection across the region, providing academic leadership and directing research and training. Her research
and teaching interests include health of migrants and refugees, indigenous child health, child rights and child maltreatment, quality and safety in health, global maternal, newborn and child health.
Dr Lucy Frith
Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics
Dr Lucy Frith is currently a reader in Bioethics and Social Science the Faculty of Health and Life Science at the University of Liverpool. Her research focuses on the social and ethical aspects of health-care decision-making, policy and regulation, with a particular interest in empirical ethics and socio-legal approaches.
Professor Hans Kromhout
Editor-in-Chief of Occupational & Environmental Medicine
Professor Hans Kromhout is an occupational hygiene and epidemiology specialist, based at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences at Utrecht University in the Netherlands. Professor Kromhout’s work has covered the health effects of chemical and physical (EMF) agents in the workplace and general environment. He has been the (co-)PI of large international studies in among others the asphalt industry, rubber manufacturing industry, industrial minerals industry, health sector and agriculture and community based studies on cancer, respiratory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and reproductive health effects.
Dr Andrea Cipriani
Editor-in-Chief of Evidence-Based Mental Health
Andrea Cipriani, MD, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry and NIHR Research Professor at the University of Oxford. He is an honorary consultant psychiatrist at the Associate Director for Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust in Oxford. His main research interests are evidence-based mental health and precision psychiatry. His research focuses on the evaluation of pharmacological, psychological and psychosocial interventions.
Dr Jinghong Chen
Deputy Editor of General Psychiatry
Dr Jinghong Chen is the joint deputy editor of General Psychiatry. She is currently the principal investigator at Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders and professor at Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.