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Our panel of editors are available for interview
Karen L Furie, MD
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Karen Furie, MD, MPH is Neurologist-in-Chief, Rhode Island Hospital, the Miriam Hospital and Bradley Hospital Samuel I Kennison, MD and Bertha S Kennison Professor of Clinical Neuroscience Chair of Neurology, the Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University. Clinical and translational stroke research has been a major focus of Karen’s career, and she has enjoyed success in developing collaborative multispecialty initiatives.
Dr Andrea Cipriani
Editor-in-Chief of Evidence-Based Mental Health
Andrea Cipriani, MD, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry and NIHR Research Professor at the University of Oxford. He is an honorary consultant psychiatrist at the Associate Director for Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust in Oxford. His main research interests are evidence-based mental health and precision psychiatry. His research focuses on the evaluation of pharmacological, psychological and psychosocial interventions.
Dr Declan Walsh
Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care
A pioneer in palliative medicine, Dr Declan Walsh is an internationally renowned physician, researcher, educator and administrator. He developed the first palliative care programme in the United States. In recognition of his achievements, he received the John Mendelsohn Award from MD Anderson Cancer Centre, a lifetime achievement award from the Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer and a Visionary Award from the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.
Dr Jinghong Chen
Deputy Editor of General Psychiatry
Dr Jinghong Chen is the joint deputy editor of General Psychiatry. She is currently the principal investigator at Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders and professor at Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.
Dr James Cave
Editor-in-Chief of the Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin
Dr James Cave has been a GP for over 25 years. He currently works for Red Whale, providing courses for GP’s that take the latest research and demonstrate how it might be used in practice. James was awarded an OBE for services to medicine in 2009.