Midwifery conference criticised for repeatedly accepting formula milk sponsorship
The British Journal of Midwifery’s annual conference is again being sponsored by formula milk companies, despite clinicians and nutritionists repeatedly raising concerns about the practice which flouts World Health Organization guidance.The conference, set to take place on 27 March in London, is being sponsored by two formula milk companies—Kendamil and Nutricia—with Kendamil also given a sponsored session slot.1 Last year’s conference was criticised over its sponsorship by Aptamil, Kendamil, and Nestlé.2WHO has cautioned healthcare professionals and their associations against accepting funding from commercial formula milk companies as it may undermine their “scientific credibility” and “cause reputational harm.”“There is compelling evidence that aggressive marketing by manufacturers and distributors of commercial milk formula adversely impacts infant and young child feeding practices,” WHO guidance has said.3 “Companies that market foods for infants and young children should not sponsor meetings of health professionals and scientific meetings.”Katie Pereira-Kotze, senior nutritionist at the charity First Steps…