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Our panel of editors are available for interview
Dr Brandy Shillace
Editor-in-Chief of Medical Humanities
Brandy Schillace, PhD, is Senior Research Associate and Public Engagement and Programs Leader for the Dittrick Museum of Medical History. Dr Schillace writes about intersections of medicine, history, and literature. For ten years, she managed the medical anthropology journal, Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry, and edited its first medical humanities special issue. Brandy’s recent books include Death’s Summer Coat (2016), Clockwork Futures (2017) and Mr Humble and Dr Butcher: A Monkey’s Head, the Pope’s Neuroscientist, and the Quest to Transplant the Soul (2021).
Professor Ganesan Karthikeyan
Editor-in-Chief Open Heart
Professor Karthikeyan is a clinical, interventional cardiologist and a Senior International Fellow of the Population Health Research Institute at McMaster University in Canada, as well as Professor of Cardiology at AIIMS. His research is mainly focused on cardiovascular diseases affecting low and middle income countries, including valvular heart disease, particularly rheumatic heart disease (RHD), mechanical valve thrombosis, anticoagulation, and indigenous drug-eluting stents.
Doctor Elliott Haut
Editor-in-Chief of Trauma Surgery & Acute Care
Vice Chair of Quality, Safety & Service, Department of Surgery, Professor of Surgery, Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine (ACCM), Emergency Medicine, and Health Policy & Management
The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and The Bloomberg School of Public Health. Director, Trauma/ Acute Care Surgery Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Professor Juan Víctor Ariel Franco
Editor-in-Chief of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine
Professor Juan Franco is a family doctor at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Vice-chair of the Research Department at the Instituto Universitario Hispital Italiano (IUHI), where he is also Director of the Cochrane Associate Centre. He is a professor at IUHI and Universidad Nacional de La Matanza, and editor for the Cochrane Urology Group and a member of Cochrane’s Governing Board.
Dr Lucy Frith
Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics
Dr Lucy Frith is currently a reader in Bioethics and Social Science the Faculty of Health and Life Science at the University of Liverpool. Her research focuses on the social and ethical aspects of health-care decision-making, policy and regulation, with a particular interest in empirical ethics and socio-legal approaches.
Dr Ellen Weber
Editor-in-Chief of Emergency Medicine Journal
Dr Ellen Weber is an emergency medicine physician in San Francisco, California. She received her medical degree from Harvard Medical School and has been in practice for more than 20 years. She has worked clinically in community, county and academic emergency departments, and conducts research in topics related to health policy. She is currently a Professor of Emergency Medicine and Vice Chair at UCSF.